Next Available Dates – Wagga Wagga

1st Stage Reiki – Weekend Workshop
5th (evening), 6th, 7th September

Free – Friday Introductory Evening 5th September
The Friday evening is an integral part of the workshop for participants.
It is also an opportunity for anyone interested to come along and find out more about the workshops and Reiki in general.

1st Stage Reiki – Weekend Workshop
10th (evening), 11th, 12th October

Free – Friday Introductory Evening 10th October
The Friday evening is an integral part of the workshop for participants.
It is also an opportunity for anyone interested to come along and find out more about the workshops and Reiki in general.

2nd Stage Reiki – Weekend Workshop

Contact Louise for details (participants must have completed 1st Stage Reiki Jin Kei Do)

About These Workshops

First Stage Reiki Jin Kei Do is primarily for self-healing and is taught in a weekend workshop. Students receive four energy empowerments, these activate the energy centers or chakras allowing greater access to the universal energy. The weekend is entirely experiential with healing beginning to occur on a deep level as a result of the energy empowerments.

In addition to the empowerments students learn how to perform a complete self-treatment, also how to conduct a seated and lying down treatment to share with friends and family. Simple meditation techniques are taught one being a very gentle but effective moving meditation. The five underpinning precepts of Reiki JKD are fully discussed as are the limitless ways Reiki works and can be used in everyday life. At a workshop many opportunities are given for hands on practice and sharing to deepen students understanding of Reiki. A brief history of Reiki Jin Kei Do is also covered. No study or note taking is necessary. At the end of the workshop participants will receive a very comprehensive manual.

Second Stage Reiki Jin Kei Do is also taught in a weekend workshop. In this class, students who have used Reiki Jin Kei Do actively in their lives over a period of at least six months can deepen their commitment to self-developmentflower and further their Reiki practice. Further empowerments are received enabling students to intensify the energy. Students will learn techniques to ‘send’ healing to others from a distance and ‘send’ to situations either past, present or future. This stage is recommended for practitioners.

Please contact me directly to book a workshop or to find out more about Reiki workshops.